El meu nom és Hor


My name is Hor is a large piece of 1 hour and 10 minutes artistically based in the poetics of the image that is articulated through circus and puppets techniques. The relevance of the scenographic and spatial treatment lies in the constant use of the lighting controlled at the moment by artists. The puppets co-star in the show. They are the metaphor of a lost alost identity or that is yet to come, but they are also the alter ego of our two characters.

In the show we see both circus artists Wanja Kahlert and Adrià Montaña, who appear on stage to perform the great feat of a contemporary circus show. In a classic sense, they are drivers, acrobats, the tall and the small, the carrier and the agile, the clowns, the performers… In summery, the people, the human, the artists who star everything in the satge.

Through the body, risky acrobatics, unfinished puppets, objects, surrealism and a hunting play of lights and shadow directed with a luminophone, two circus artists tell a story based in real events: a journey to an unknown cave full of humor and beautiful and sinister images that directly strike in the unconscious of the audience. Immersed in darkness, silence and a disturbing feeling of delirium, the cave becomes a temple, a theater, a garage, a screen, a mirror within a mirror. A place where protagonists blur their own boundaries to release themselves generously to the public, in a new simulation of their existence.

Rolando San Martín
No. of performers:
APCC members at this show:
Wanja Kahlert, Adria Montaña Ernst
Artistic sheet:

· Intèrprets: Wanja Kahlert i Adrià Montaña

· Idea original: Wanja Kahlert i Adrià Montaña

· Creació i dramatúrgia: Wanja Kahlert, Adrià Montaña i Rolando San Martín

· Direcció: Rolando San Martín

· Titelles: Wanja Kahlert

· Disseny de so: Wanja Kahlert, Adrià Montaña i Rolando San Martín

· Muntatge de so: Wanja Kahlert

· Il·luminació: Carlos Ferrer, Wanja Kahlert, Adrià Montaña i Rolando San Martín

· Escenografia: Wanja Kahlert i Adrià Montaña

· Tècnica de so i llums: Guillem Gelabert

· Coproducció: Mercat de les Flors

45 min- 1h15 min
Release year:
Audience type:
Adult (destinat especialment als adults)
Type of space:
Live music:
Contact person:
Berta Pascual Fernandez

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