

RUNA is a documental and autofiction
circus piece.
It’s been a while since I cannot visit Siria,
the born country of my father. The long
war conflict of the area is creating a physical and emotional distance that will end in
a complete detachment of these origins.
The resistance to the loss of these memories, drives me to create a piece where
the circus, the objects and the sound work
together to investigate around the meaning
of identity, family and geopolitical borders.
This piece goes around the figure of the
(circus) base without a flyer.
To base is to carry physicly and emotionally. To give trust and safety. Never
doubting. To be patient. To accept where
you belong. A pillar that can be difficult to
rebuilt if it falls into pieces.
All this concepts push me to walk through
the circus body in RUNA, placing it in a
free space where spectator and actor reconstruct through the self questioning and
This piece is inspired by the famous epic
theater of Bertold Brecht to find the script
where distance, spectator and fragmentation are present.

Amer Kabbani / Rolando Sanmartin
No. of performers:
APCC members at this show:
Amer Kabbani Fenández
Artistic sheet:

Idea original: Amer Kabbani Fernandez

Direcció: Rolando Sanmartin

Dramatúrgia: Amer Kabbani i Rolando Sanmartin

Mirades externes: Joan Català i Marta Salla

Disseny de So i il·luminació: Ivan Tomasevich

Distribució i difusió: Alina ventura ( La Maleta dels Espectacles)

Comunicació i xarxes socials: Aida Kabbani

Vestuari: Amer Kabbani

Disseny Gràfic: Gerard Riu

Fotografia: Jordi plana  

45 min- 1h15 min
Release year:
Audience type:
Tots els públics
Type of space:
Carrer, Sala
Live music:
Contact person:
Amer Kabbani Fernandez

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