

September 6th. I start my journey to Europe.
September 8th. The night is dark. The sea is angry.
September 10th. I made it. I’ve crossed the Mediterranean.

On the outskirts of a city, in an old courtyard, Amal hides as she escapes. She is a young woman who, after experiencing the horrors of war, has had to leave her country in search of refuge in Europe. She cannot imagine that in the very same place, another girl has also sought refuge to escape her own anxieties and concerns. Perhaps they will discover that they share more than they could have imagined...

"Amal" means hope in Arabic. And that is what we want this story to be: a tale about people, life, and the hope of creating a better world. In a complex and challenging time we believe that artists must take part, get involved, and engage with the society we live in. This also means telling stories that are thought-provoking, proposing ideas that challenges the audience and stir things up. That reinforces the role of culture as a bastion of freedom from which we forge a necessary critical spirit to reinvent the world we inhabit. In short, to contribute to creating a more just society.

La Baldufa
No. of performers:
APCC members at this show:
Laia Gómez Iglesias, Ona Vives Perez
Artistic sheet:

Autoria: La Baldufa: Enric Blasi, Emiliano Pardo, Carles Pijuan & Duo Laiaiona: Laia Gómez, Ona Vives

Direcció: La Baldufa

Composició musical: Òscar Roig

Disseny de llums: Anjos Fernández

Disseny escenogràfic: Carles Pijuan

Disseny i confecció de vestuari: Olga Cuito

Construcció d’escenografia: Juan Manuel Recio, Carles Pijuan, Jaume Serrat

Intèrprets: Ona Vives, Laia Gómez

Tècnic: Anjos Fernández

Veus en off Català i Castellà: Begonya Ferrer

Producció: Pilar Pàmpols, Maria Carles, Enric Blasi

Distribució: Pilar Pàmpols

Oficina: Ester Vicente, Pilar Pàmpols

Comunicació i xarxes socials: Maria Carles

Fotografia per al material gràfic: David del Val

Vídeo promocional: Laia Navarra

Coproducció: FiraTàrrega - Suport a la Creació

Amb el suport de: ·IntercettAzioni - Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia/Circuito CLAPS ·Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Cultura - ICEC ·Gobierno de España – Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte – INAEM ·Institut Ramon Llull

45 min- 1h15 min
Release year:
Jocs icaris, Mans a mans, Teatre
Audience type:
Tots els públics
Type of space:
Carrer, Sala
Live music:
Contact person:
Pilar Pàmpols (Distribució)

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