Dame du Cirque

Companyia: Here We Go!


Dame du Cirque is an ice-climbing route located in Gavarnie, France. Pau Escalé, a passionate climber and lover of ice, died there.

The enthusiasm of Pau combined with the reflections of the climbers who tried to rescue Iñaki Ochoa de Olza when he suffered problems and eventually died trying to reach the top of the Annapurna, inspired us to build a performance about mountains and the philosophy that surrounds them.


You cut into the ice with your ice-axe, take air, and continue upwards. 
You are alone in the middle of your thoughts, accompanied only by the experiences of those who have already passed through this point.

You look at the horizon and realize your insignificance before such immensity; a world so vast and inhospitable.
 Attached to your companion, you look at each other: your shared silence confirms what both of you already know.

Dídac Gilabert
Núm. d'intèrprets:
Membres de l'APCC en aquest espectacle:
Dídac Gilabert
Fitxa Artística:

Idea Original i Direcció Artística: Dídac Gilabert

Composició i Interpretació: Dídac Gilabert, Teresa Santos, Gustavo Hjerl

Música: Gustavo Hjerl

Motxilla: Pinzat

Vesturari: Miriam Ponsa

Producció: troposfera.xyz.

45 min- 1h15 min
Any estrena:
Dansa, Diàbolo, Malabarisme
Tipus de públic:
Tots els públics
Tipus d'espai:
Carpa, Carrer, Sala
Música en directe:
Persona de contacte:
Dídac Gilabert


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