Conference about Circus and Gender in Mercat de les Flors

24th March - Mercat de les Flors (Barcelona)

Who’s on stage? Gender, circus and performing arts


10h Welcome
10h30 Conference 1 - circus and gender: Tiina Rosenberg
11h30 coffee break
12h Conference 2 - circus and gender: Emilie Salamero
13h- 15h Lunch break
15h-18h Round table performing arts and gender: Wakingthefeminists, Projecte Vaca and other guests
20h Show


One-day meeting to explore the intersections between gender, circus and other performing arts. The first part of the meeting will be devoted to the academic approach to circus and gender while the second part will tackle practical issues surrounding performing arts and gender in different social and cultural contexts  (e.g.,  Ireland, Catalonia).

Morning: circus and gender

Conference 1 – Tiina Rosenberg

“Young, fit, exuberant guys, and one flexible girl?” Performing Gender in Contemporary Circus

Professor of Theatre and Performance Studies at Stockholm University, Sweden. She has previously been a professor of Gender Studies at Stockholm and Lund University, and the rector of the University of the Arts Helsinki, Finland. Her latest publication: Don’t Be Quiet, Start a Riot. Essays on Feminism and Performance (2016).

Conference 2 – Emilie Salamero

The circus in the light of gender sociology
Review of research work on circus and gender in France.

University teacher in sociology, she carried out a doctoral thesis on the professional training of circus artists in France (2009). She is particularly interested in professional dynamics, socialization processes and individual paths in the corporal and artistic trades.
She teaches at the University of Poitiers to future sports professionals and at Jean Jaurès University of Toulouse to students who wish to professionalize in the fields of dance and circus.

Afternoon: Performing arts and gender

Round Table: Performing arts and gender

•    Lian Bell (plenary session): #wakingthefeminists
Freelance set designer and arts manager. Spoke’s person of #wakingthefeminists. Equality for Women in Irish Theatre

•   Jillian Greenhalgh (plenary session), The Magdalena Project (Cardiff)

Mesa redonda:

•    Mercè Espelleta - president of Associació Projecte Vaca (Barcelona)
•    Antonia Bueno - president of Dones en Arts (València)

•    Berta Ojea, Secretary of Equility of  Actors and Actress Union (Madrid)

•    M. Àngels Cabré, Directora del Observatori Cultural de Gènere (Barcelona). MODERADORA

20h Show at Mercat de les Flors


APCC organises this conference with FACE and Mercat on 24th March

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