A lecture by Jean-Michel Guy and a master class by Stefan Sing will be at the International Juggling Day
Friday, October 9, La Central del Circ in Barcelona will become synonymous with juggling because it will host the International Juggling Day. The conference is organized by the APCC within the acts of its tenth anniversary, in collaboration with La Central del Circ.
One of the main activities will be a conference of Jean-Michel Guy. Guy is a researcher at the Ministry of Culture French, author and director of circus, Scabreuse co-founder and professor at the National School of Circus Arts in Rosny sous -Bois and the National Centre of Circus Arts Chalons -in-Champagne. In the conference Jean-Michel Guy will describe and analyze the past and present of juggling in a thorough and entertaining way.
Stefan Sing, one of the best jugglers in the world, will perform his latest creation and will give the master-class “Organic juggling”.
Stefan's workshop centers around clean juggling technique, dynamic body movement, and strict work on a correct clean juggling posture. Stefan focuses on incorporating natural movement in juggling by manipulating the objects into leading your body - so it's not just dancing put on the top of the juggling, but dancing developed naturally from the movement of the objects.
The chapters of the workshop are:
- fluidity and softness in juggling
- using the whole body in juggling
- searching for an attitude in which “dropping“ is not possible anymore
- finding creativity (new moves and patterns) through playing
- basic knowledge about choreographic elements
- consciousness about the different relations to your props
Sing teaches at the main circus schools in Europe like ESAC at Brussels, Academie Fratellini at Paris, Le Lido at Toulouse and Katakomben at Berlin.
The program
10h Welcome
10:30 a.m.-11.30h- Free Training
11:30h- 13:30h. Master-class by Stefan Sing (in English)
13.30h-15.30h Lunchbox meal
15.30h-16.30h Talk about creativity of manipulating objects, by Asier Garnatxo from Saltoka.
16.30h-18h - Juggling games
18h -20h Lecture by Jean-Michel Guy (in French, with translation to Catalan o Spanish, depending on the public)
20h-21h- Final sneaks
21h- Performance of the last piece of Stefan Sing
€ 8 General € 5 members of the APCC and user of La Central del Circ
The conference of Jean-Michel Guy and Stefan Sing performance are free
Registration can be done here
The seminar, organized by the APCC in collaboration with La Central del Circ, will be held on Friday, October 9