A female acrobat, tired and with a worn and aching body from the years spent in the circus, decides to pass the baton to a new acrobat to interpret her work. A job that was part of herself for a long time. A piece that talks about the courage to recognize our weaknesses and how to pass the relay from love and respect
- Director:
- Claire Ducreux
- No. of performers:
- 1
- APCC members at this show:
- Serena Vione, Eva Camps Pujol
- Artistic sheet:
Serena Vione i Eva Camps
Mùsica Original: Lluís Alba
- Duration:
- 30-45 min
- Release year:
- 2014
- Disciplines:
- Altres acrobàcies amb aparells, Dansa, Perxa xinesa
- Audience type:
- Tots els públics
- Live music:
- No
- Contact person:
- Serena Vione
- Telephone:
- 622472711