Otros aires
Company: Pelat
"Otros Aires" is born from ours experiences of two circus artists from Argentina. The roots of each one are revealed on the stage.
The game of the human relations and their experiences makes the story.
Two souls having their own existential crisis together.
Dedication and persistence like a driving force to continue.
Our interaction is thought to maintain harmony and influence everything within it. Femenine and masculine...
Fears and one choice : to face them or not...
- Director:
- Blancaluz Capella I Duo Laos
- No. of performers:
- 2
- APCC members at this show:
- Mercedes Martín García
- Artistic sheet:
Mercedes Martín García i Pablo Raffo
- Duration:
- 30-45 min
- Release year:
- 2014
- Disciplines:
- Dansa, Mans a mans
- Audience type:
- Tots els públics
- Type of space:
- Carrer
- Live music:
- Yes
- Contact person:
- Pablo Raffo
- Telephone:
- +34622689372
- Email:
- duolaos(ELIMINAR)@gmail.com