Qui cu qui què quina
Company: Seasons Circus
All living bodies have electricity. What happens if they connect with each other?
They get entangled in wires, climb up a pole and draw circles on a bicycle. Their mutual understanding will lead them to discover new worlds amidst the melody that sounds when two
persons are connected.
Qui cu qui què quina is an adventure looking for a new way to relate. A game of connections between the artists, a machine and the audience.
Original idea: cia. Nom Provisional Performers: Joan Pallàs i Eva Camps Direction: cia. Nom Provisional External View: Anna Pascual & Tomeu Amer Sound design: Joan Cot Costume design: Anna Izquierdo Photography: Marta Garcia Video: Julian Wainsbord With thanks to: Ànel de Miguel & Gerard Fortea
Best Emergent Company
- Director:
- Anna Pascual
- No. of performers:
- 2
- APCC members at this show:
- Anna Pascual Fernandez, Joan Pallàs Bázquez, Eva Camps Pujol
- Artistic sheet:
Idea Original: cia. Nom Provisional
Intèrprets: Joan Pallàs i Eva Camps
Direcció: cia. Nom Provisional
Mirada Externa: Anna Pascual i Tomeu Amer
Disseny sonor: Joan Cot
Vestuari: Anna Izquierdo
Fotografia: Marta Garcia
Vídeo: Julian Wainsbord
Agraïments: Àngel de Miguel i Gerard Fortea
- Duration:
- 30-45 min
- Release year:
- 2019
- Disciplines:
- Ciclisme, Dansa, Perxa xinesa, Teatre
- Audience type:
- Tots els públics
- Type of space:
- Carrer
- Live music:
- No
- Contact person:
- Joan Pallàs
- Telephone:
- 607945540