Swing on wheels

Companyia: 326 MORMURs

What a fantastic music, and what a great dance, and how fantastic is to ride a bike. Of course, the mix of all is promising. Dance with a bike, be a follower and be a leader exchanging roles all the time. Create this connection so sought after in the couple’s dance, but this time is with an object. The advantage is that it never complains, now, if we do not understand each other, we may end up both on the floor… but this also happens between people.

Núm. d'intèrprets:
Membres de l'APCC en aquest espectacle:
Yldor Llach
Menys de 15 min
Any estrena:
Tipus de públic:
Tots els públics
Tipus d'espai:
Carpa, Carrer, Sala
Música en directe:
Persona de contacte:
Yldor Llach


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