
Company: Dränia

Little Testa embarks you on a journey in his fantastical crazy world; where circus acts and public interaction are mixed with dance and clown improvisation. A world of mood, and physical skills in equal parts, where public involvement is essential and reflection is disguised  as a joke.

He arrives with his trunk full of rare items: tinny sunglasses, metal buckets, 3 diabolos and some wigs... He dances with his diabolos, fights with the buckets and makes very high handstands! There is and original diabolo trick, a roars of laughter and even your spinster aunt got a kiss...

"4x4!” it is a unique and original show, full of surprises with great technique, featuring diabolos, acrobatics and clown improvisation.

Tomás Taboada
No. of performers:
APCC members at this show:
Tomás Taboada
Artistic sheet:

Idea y dirección general: Tomás Taboada.

Asistencia de dirección: Ayelén Cantini, Ale Risorio.

Diseño de baúl: Betty Cau.

Diseño de vestuario: Tomás Taboada, Mina Trapp.

Little Testa forma parte del colectivo artístico "Bolivianow" donde tiene su residencia artística.

30-45 min
Release year:
Diàbolo, Pallasso, Verticalisme
Audience type:
Tots els públics
Type of space:
Live music:
Contact person:
Tomás Taboada

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