Masha is a performative circus experience that presents a space to observe, reflect and coexist with the unexpected. A creative-human laboratory that institutes a time and a space in which we collectively question ourselves as a specie, making clear the denaturalization and dehumanization of society in the contemporary world.
Masha is a commitment to action, its repetition and exhaustion, a language of its own, a repertoire of displacements and gestures performed on a slippery ground that points to the impossibility of being.
- No. of performers:
- 2
- APCC members at this show:
- Sergio Gonzalez, Andrea Rodriguez de Liebana Presa
- Artistic sheet:
Idea original: Andrea Rodríguez de Liébana i Sergio González Acompanyament dramatúrgic: Marissa Paituví Disseny de llums i tècnica: Sarah Jeneway Agraïments: Chiara Marchese, Elena Zanzu, Johnny Torres, Mila Rodríguez. Disseny de vestuari: Lisa Ivarsson Fotografia: Rokas Snarskis i Clara Pedrol Suport audiovisual: 2QU4RTS Residències: La Central del Circ, Nau Ivanow, La Lleialtat Santsenca, Terrassa Arts Escèniques, Arts Printing House (LT), L’Espace Périphérique (FR), Cirque Électrique (FR), UP Circus and Performing Arts (BE), Latitude 50 (BE).
- Duration:
- 45 min- 1h15 min
- Release year:
- 2024
- Disciplines:
- Altres equilibris, Manipulador, Sense aparells
- Audience type:
- Tots els públics
- Live music:
- No
- Contact person:
- Marissa Paituví
- Telephone:
- +34 644 31 52 23