

Masha is a performative circus experience that presents a space to observe, reflect and coexist with the unexpected. A creative-human laboratory that institutes a time and a space in which we collectively question ourselves as a specie, making clear the denaturalization and dehumanization of society in the contemporary world.
Masha is a commitment to action, its repetition and exhaustion, a language of its own, a repertoire of displacements and gestures performed on a slippery ground that points to the impossibility of being.

No. of performers:
Artistic sheet:

Idea original: Andrea Rodríguez de Liébana i Sergio González Acompanyament dramatúrgic: Marissa Paituví Disseny de llums i tècnica: Sarah Jeneway Agraïments: Chiara Marchese, Elena Zanzu, Johnny Torres, Mila Rodríguez. Disseny de vestuari: Lisa Ivarsson Fotografia: Rokas Snarskis i Clara Pedrol Suport audiovisual: 2QU4RTS Residències: La Central del Circ, Nau Ivanow, La Lleialtat Santsenca, Terrassa Arts Escèniques, Arts Printing House (LT), L’Espace Périphérique (FR), Cirque Électrique (FR), UP Circus and Performing Arts (BE), Latitude 50 (BE).

45 min- 1h15 min
Release year:
Audience type:
Tots els públics
Type of space:
Carpa, Sala
Live music:
Contact person:
Marissa Paituví
+34 644 31 52 23


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