Company: Un món de colors
Simone, an authentic Pin-Up lost in a world that rejects stereotypes and is looking for someone to share her passions with. The tight wire, the hand stand or the skates are only their weapons...the heart is their goal.
A true transformation that represents the empowerment and freedom of women.
- Director:
- Miner Montell
- No. of performers:
- 1
- APCC members at this show:
- Miner Montell, Ariadna Juncosa Culillas
- Artistic sheet:
Interpret: Ariadna Juncosa
Direcció / Mirada externa: Miner Montell
Disseny i construcció escenografia: Ariadna Juncosa
Disseny i construcció titella: Ariadna Juncosa
Vestuari i atrettzo: Ariadna Juncosa
Disseny gràfic: Ariadna Juncosa
Fotografies: @bele300
Video: Daniel Torres
Mirada externa artística: Ravi Sham
- Duration:
- 30-45 min
- Disciplines:
- Funambulisme al cable, Pallasso, Verticalisme
- Audience type:
- Tots els públics
- Live music:
- No
- Contact person:
- Ariadna Juncosa
- Telephone:
- 637827512