Sóc la teva FÍSICAH
Company: La Paradeta
Sóc la teva FÍSICAH is a solo show that fuses science and the arts, specifically physics and circus. A fusion that serves to explain physics through the circus but also to discover the poetry hidden in physics.
The show progresses through an absurd and eccentric character who will begin by demonstrating Newton's laws, will do a model show in honour of the most important physicists of modern physics and will end by explaining quantum superposition with a floor full of particles that he will have to dodge with a cyr wheel.
- Director:
- Oriol Borràs
- No. of performers:
- 1
- APCC members at this show:
- Oriol Borràs
- Artistic sheet:
Idea original: Oriol Borràs
Artista en escena: Oriol Borràs
Vestuari: Iker Nafta
Mirada externa: Toni Mas i Ilona Muñoz
Suports: La Central del circ, Ca l’Estruch, CAC Rogelio Rivel
- Duration:
- 30-45 min
- Release year:
- 2021
- Audience type:
- Tots els públics
- Live music:
- No
- Contact person:
- Oriol Borràs
- Telephone:
- 638442249