Si tu te'n vas

Companyia: Dolce Salato

A window, a light. Another window, a routine. Another window, a building where three women tell us about not being able to stop.

Everything sinks, breaks, the damn eternal war.

Three clowns who are on this path of the ancient exodus to recreate the world and give us back the pleasure of laughing at the smallest things, but putting our finger on the sore when things bother us.

They live in the stories that have been told in all the conflicts and use numbers of ancient clowns to reaffirm the will to be comedians.

Three forgotten heroines who tell us their story with the desire to laugh and make people laugh, to live in our memory.

Pepa Plana i Nan Valentí
Núm. d'intèrprets:
Membres de l'APCC en aquest espectacle:
Pepa Plana
Fitxa Artística:

Pepa Plana

Nan Valentí

Lola Gonzalez

Més de 1h15min
Any estrena:
Tipus de públic:
Adult (destinat especialment als adults)
Tipus d'espai:
Música en directe:
Persona de contacte:
Oriol Blanchar


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