Gran Sonata


GRAN SONATA is the last great concert of the great composer of the baroque era Mr. Puant. What people don't know is that he is a somewhat special composer. And Mr. Puant has been chosen to do his last great concert in the current era.

But our protagonist does not know that in today's era we also have theaters. He thinks that theaters only existed in ancient times, since in the current era they watch everything through those rectangular devices that they call television, mobile phone or tablet.

So he decides to bring his own theater. What happens is that the entire theater doesn't fit in the van, and he will only be able to bring half of the audience and with it, his insides: a piece of his dressing room.

What Mr. Puant does not know is that he has forgotten the musicians. And he thinks that the public is his orchestra. When he discovers it, he will realize that he does not have an orchestra to perform his last great concert and he will have to find a way: he needs someone from the audience who is a musician.

Within this great mess, we will be able to observe what the protagonist's life is like in the bowels of these stands. A part of his dressing room where anything goes. A world dressed in pink where we can become intimate with the life of Mr. Puant and where our protagonist dreams, dances and plays at having that life that he does not have outside of the stage.

GRAN SONATA, a show full of humor that will not leave anyone in the audience indifferent. A show that, thanks to this, will finally be able to perform his last great concert.

Adrià Viñas
No. of performers:
APCC members at this show:
Adrià Viñas Puntí
Artistic sheet:

Clown: Adrià Viñas

Intèrpret i cellista: Cisco Cruz / Teia Martínez

Cap tècnic: Guillem Pol Tècnic: Eudald Pont / Guillem Pol

Direcció, creació i idea original: Adrià Viñas

Mirada externa: Pep Massanet i Cisco Cruz Disseny i confecció de vestuari: Anna Ma Puntí Disseny i construcció d’escenografia: Adrià Viñas

Concepció de l’espai: Adrià Viñas i Marçal Bayona

Disseny de l’estructura: Tània Gumbau

Construcció de l’estructura: Cal Fullola i El Nus Trapella

Assessorament de maquillatge: Montse Tolosa

Quadres: Miquel Samaniego

Arxius de so: Cisco Cruz Disseny de so: Eudald Pont

Producció executiva: Cia Le Puant

Producció tècnica: Contracorrent

Amb el suport de: Cultura Banyoles - Ajuntament de Banyoles, Terrassa Cultura - Ajuntament de Terrassa i L'Estruch Fàbrica de Creació - Ajunt. de Sabadell.

Agraïments: Íngrid Calpe, Teatre Cirvianum (Torelló), Pep Massanet, Carles Bernal, Xavi Fernández, Gloria Díez, Naia Viñas, Anna Ma Puntí, Josep Ma Viñas, Montse Tolosa, David Marcé, Guillem Feixas

45 min- 1h15 min
Release year:
Mim, Pallasso, Teatre
Audience type:
Tots els públics
Type of space:
Carpa, Carrer, Sala
Live music:
Contact person:
Adrià Viñas


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