Xicana is a clown woman who wants to do magic, but is always failing.
She sells the magic when there is not any of it, and when there is actual
magic she does not know.
She performs some magic tricks where the most important thing is
the trip, the development of the game with the participation of all the
attendants until it gets to the magic point.
The show combines respect, tenderness and innocence and both
children teachers and parents have fun watching it.
- Director:
- Companyia Xicana
- No. of performers:
- 1
- APCC members at this show:
- Anna Montserrat Boada
- Artistic sheet:
Idea i Creació: Anna Montserrat Boada Pallassa i maga: Anna Montserrat Boada Direcció: Companyia Xicana Assessorament de magia: Gabi Pareras Producció: Joan Raventós Vestuari: Roser Boada i Mar Montserrat Disseny gràfic: Adrià Ventura
- Duration:
- 45 min- 1h15 min
- Release year:
- 2005
- Disciplines:
- Il·lusionisme, Manipulador, Pallasso
- Audience type:
- Tots els públics
- Live music:
- No
- Contact person:
- Anna Montserrat
- Telephone:
- 639586831