The APCC will be in Fira Tarrega and will present the new website

Between 11 and 13 September the stand number 23 of the Professional Market  in Fira Tarrega will host the Circus Professionals Association of Catalonia (APCC), its services and information about the associated professionals. This year the APCC will spread especially,  an initiative from the APCC with the support of the Cultural Department of the Catalan government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Ramon Llull Institute (IRL). It’s aim is to be an useful tool where resources for the internationalization of the Catalan circus arts can be found. In addition the website wants to make known productions in development and increase sinergies with other creators from the rest of the world... In essence, it is a tool for the information and international visibility of Catalan circus creators.

The show directory is open to all companies having a show or are in the work-in-progress of a new one.

The new website will be presenting on September 12 at 13h and during the days of the fair members of the APCC will show it, as well as other services. In the stand you will find information about the members and the Catalan circus.

In addition, during the fair Association registration is free. All professionals who come to the circus and become partners will not pay the first quote (30 euros).

Fira Tarrega is the international performing arts that takes place annually in Tarrega the second weekend of September. Established in 1981, is a showcase of current stage, with special interest in street art, visual performances and non-conventional.

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