The APCC is organizing a meeting of European circus associations
For its 10th anniversary, the APCC is organizing a meeting with Europeans circus associations in order to share knowledge of the circus sector in different countries, to establish partnerships and common bases for colaborations. The meeting will take place on the 8th of December in La Central del Circ and will feature professional circus association representatives from Switzerland (ProCirque), Finland (Circus Info) and Sweden (Manegen).
At the same time, representatives from Circored and of Catalonia’s circus sector are also convened. The members of the APCC are invited to assist and are asked to send a confirmation mail at
On the morning of December 8, the associations will introduce themselves and present the circus situation in their country, as well as the surveys that each organization carried out in order to know the reality of their partners. In the afternoon, the surveys will be compared in order to show the similarities and reflect on the possibility of creating common projects among all organizations
The members are invited to assist at the last act of the 10th anniversary.