C.U.L Col·lecció d'Universos Latents

Companyia: Adagio

 Collection of Latent Universes

When the objects decide to write the piece and reveal themselves, fleeing from the comfort zone while playing at being others, they reveal the latency they carry inside.
History is full of waiting, transition and transformation; the three-dimensionality that art also demands.
Maybe we don't realize it but we humans are full of latency and dusting off that child we carry inside and daring to continue playing, maybe it will make us happier and more universal.
We play with time, space and the emotion of making small things big while making ourselves small.
The piece swims with the time that each object proposes to play. They often decide to disguise themselves as risk by being brave in the face of the vertigo of emptiness, gravity or balance.
The objects play while offering us one
circus where the square of the circle becomes an endless spiral; start a journey that doesn't require a ticket, you just have to let yourself be carried away.
We can't tell you much more, otherwise you would know as much about them as they do about the objects and we wouldn't surprise you anymore...
Bet Miralta
Núm. d'intèrprets:
Membres de l'APCC en aquest espectacle:
Jordi Aspa Tricas
30-45 min
Any estrena:
Altres gèneres, Mim, Teatre
Tipus de públic:
Tots els públics
Tipus d'espai:
Música en directe:
Persona de contacte:
Bernat Ferrer
+34 637 733 849

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